Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Singer Shah arrested for lending loans on high interest

Jan 11, 2016- Rekha Shah, famed for the Nepali popular folk song ‘sim sime pani ma’, has been arrested for lending loans on high interest.
Metropolitan Police Office Spokesperson Bishworaj Pokharel said that Shah has been arrested for extorting Rs 10.46 million from Subash Raj Kafle, father of Sandip Raj Kafle, to whom Shah had lent the money. Sandip has been on the run failing to return the loan. “Police arrested her for charging higher interest rate and sending threats of kidnapping to recover the money,” Pokharel said.
According to the police, Shah had charged higher rate of interest than legal permitted rate. She had demanded Sandip’s father the money, after which the latter registered a complaint.


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